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Month: March 2020

“We Are The Moor” Review by Alex Brown at Tor.com

Another review/recommendation for “We Are The Moor“, this time at Tor.com. Yes, Tor.com! Alex Brown kindly includes my story in their Must-Read Speculative Short Fiction: February 2020 recommendations.

They describe my story as “beautifully sad and remarkably sincere” and also calls me “an author to watch.” Read more here.

I am loving that this story is getting read & reviewed and honestly a bit stunned. I am so grateful for Flash Fiction Online for publishing it, and editor Suzanne Vincent for helping me make the story what it is.

“We Are The Moor” Featured in Maria Haskins’ Short Fiction Roundup

My story, “We Are The Moor” is featured in Maria Haskins’ SFFH Short Fiction Roundup for February 2020 at Curious Fictions.

She says: “The moor itself speaks to us in this lovely, haunting love-and-ghost story … Gorgeous and moving.”

» You can also listen to the Roundup on Youtube on her channel.