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Month: July 2021

“The Summer of Phoenix Spotting” Published on Stupefying Stories

Another microfic of mine is up on Stupefying Stories, “The Summer of Phoenix Spotting.”

The story was inspired by this hot, hot summer, at least it has been here in Finland. The prompt for the 100-word flash challenge run by Pete Wood was “it’s too darn hot.”

You can also read several other tiny stories from different authors written using the same prompt on the Stupefying Stories blog.

“First Date Magic” Published on Stupefying Stories

I’ve got a new microfic up on Stupefying Stories, “First Date Magic.”

This was quite a challenge to write, literally. Based on a prompt by Pete Wood, the story had to be max 107 words long and contain the phrase, “I’m pretty sure he wasn’t our waiter.” A lot harder than I first thought, but I think I did all right.

You can read six other authors’ stories for the challenge on the site as well, each very different.

“Birding With My Human” Published in Nature Futures

Exciting news! I have a brand new story out today in Nature Futures, “Birding With My Human.” This story combines my love of birds, birdwatching, and jumbled thoughts and feelings about both the benefit and overwhelming presence of technology in our lives.

You can read more about the inspiration behind the story on the Nature website. In a nutshell, the setting where the story takes place is real—the lake, the tower, the birds.

The story is free to read online here. It’ll also be in the digital version of Nature: Volume 595 Issue 7866, 8 July 2021.

Thank you for reading!