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Month: November 2021

Awards Eligibility Post 2021

I had a handful of original stories published this year, but many of them very, very short. So it’s no surprise my personal favourite and best candidate this year is a flash as well:

Birding With My Human” hatched in Nature Futures in July, and I’d be thrilled if you considered it for awards & noms. Thank you!

It is eligible for Hugo, Nebula, and Locus Awards (and possibly others) in the Short Story category.

The setting in the story is based on a real location (a lake and a bird tower) and much of the story was inspired by my own birding experiences.

You can read the story here (SF, 980 words)

“When the Head Comes Knocking” Review at Quick Sip Reviews

Charles Payseur at Quick Sip Reviews said some nice things about my Headless-Horseman-inspired flash, “When the Head Comes Knocking,” which appeared in PodCastle last month. He called it “cute and funny” as well as a “fine read!”

Thank you, Charles!

You can read the review here